Zoe Hewer, CEO of Safetyform Ltd., tackles a few common H&S questions in today’s blog.
Why should companies consider health and safety as an organisational priority in 2024?
“Companies often consider H&S as a subject that is separate and distinct from their operational processes, and this can result in a H&S system that is disjointed and often considered an encumbrance that adds cost to the running of the company. However, robust health and safety processes will manage the safety risks and also flush out operational inefficiencies, a considerable benefit in assisting with the cost-of-living crisis and challenges over labour and material supply. Keeping people safe can also help protect the bottom line and should be a priority at all times.”
What are common H&S issues companies should be looking for?
“H&S issues are naturally very specific to the sector and organisation. However, there are common themes that crop up regardless of the industry:
- Engaging the services of safety professionals who understand the operational pressures on a business so that the measures they introduce are relevant, simple to understand and implement, and aligned to their workforce.
- Selecting competent workers and then providing them with information and training that they understand so that they are fully informed about the H&S systems which have been designed to keep them safe.
- Ensuring risk assessments and resulting work methods accurately reflect the business processes and are written for the audience, as complex documents are rarely understood and therefore not used as intended and are left on the shelf.”
Why is it critical to work with a respected and trusted H&S provider?
“Compliance with laws and regulations is imperative for any business; for example, a company would not employ an accountant who was not qualified, and the same is true for H&S. Safety professionals who understand the law, regulations, and best practice and can then apply and integrate them into day-to-day operations are essential to the successful management of H&S in any reputable company.”
What are the building blocks of an effective Health and Safety plan?
- “You must understand what you are aiming for, e.g. basic legal compliance or best in class, and where your gaps are against this aspiration before setting your plan. A thorough Gap Analysis will help you determine how far away you are from your aims as a business.
- A risk-based plan focused on fundamental elements of H&S Management (i.e., the building blocks) whilst dealing with the ‘low-hanging fruit’ will support the business and provide the assurance that H&S is being managed effectively and in compliance with the law.”
How can you ensure that your organisation is doing everything it needs to comply with all standards and regulations?
“First, identify what legislation applies to you. Second, create a robust legal register with a competent person who understands codes of practice for business activities and who will drive the business with what it needs to comply. If any areas of the business do not comply, it must be a priority that measures are put in place, so these gaps meet legislation.”
What are the warning signs your current H&S provider isn’t delivering?
“The most obvious indicator will be the increase in incidents, accidents, and near misses and the fact that the data from these reports is not being analysed and fed into the H&S Improvement Plan. A business should have a mechanism in place for spotting the trends, either monthly board reporting, quarterly reviews, etc, and whilst these are rightly focused on the business complying with legislation and best practice, metrics should be adopted by the company to measure the performance of the H&S professional in delivering the plan.”
What do you think are the biggest H&S challenges businesses face in 2024?
“More focus on managing mental health in the workplace
Adapting to hybrid working
Adapting to new fire regulations for high-rise residential buildings
Manual handling and musculoskeletal disorders.”
If your company needs help ensuring you are meeting your H&S requirements, contact gavin@safetyform.co.uk to arrange a chat.
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